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Welcome to My Home, Interiors and Lifestyle Blog

Hello, I’m Sally, I’m happily outnumbered and surrounded by our boys, Jake, Sam and Toby and I’m married to Gav. I am the shortest person here as they are all over 6ft. Being outnumbered has its bonuses, they are very handy for reaching high things and no one nicks my stuff.

We all live behind a pink front door in Surrey and we share our house with Molly our Springer and Margot the cat – not forgetting Team Barbara out in the garden – the chickens and yes they are all called Barbara ha!

I am a digital creator, a jewellery designer and stylist and I am also proud to tell you I am an Ambassador for @DKMS_UK, the Stem Cell register.

 I love sharing interior and lifestyle stuff, alongside sharing our experience of blood cancer and giving vital information about how easy it is to share your healthy immune system with a blood cancer patient, to save their life via a stem cell transplant.

If you are here as a patient, for blood cancer information, you will find real life stories at Thicker Than Water

If you are here to find out how to get on the stem cell register and what donating your stem cells entails, please visit Getting Stuff Done With DKMS

I love the online community that I am a part of, I love learning about other people’s lives (basically I’m nosy) and I have always said that Instagram is full of the nicest people I have n(ever) met. I am a serial furniture shuffler. I always see the funny side of things and I am particularly partial to a minty Club biscuit.

Hello! and thanks for stopping by!


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Advertising disclaimer

I work with brands and sometimes I am paid to collaborate. When this is the case you will clearly see AD at the top of the post. On Instagram, where possible I will use the Paid Partnership banner too (it’s not always possible to use it but I use it when I can access it). I know everyone says it, but I will say it too – I only work with brands that I like and would buy their products anyway. And I know you trust me, so I will not ever jeopardise that by telling you something that is untrue. If I like something I will tell you. If I don’t, I won’t accept the job. I take your trust very seriously and I realise that without it, I wouldn’t be working with these brands. I want to be useful. To share great stuff, and to share it anyway, paid, unpaid, whether a brand is aware or not. I hope you know me well enough to know that is true and I hope you know you can ask me about anything and that I will reply.