I have been tagged on Instagram soooo many times, so I thought it’d be fun to do it as a blog post.
I love reading everyone else’s facts and have played a couple of times – so I have had to come up with a heap of new material for you this time haha! Although there are a couple of recycled facts in the list which I am sure you will spot.
Off we go then – Oh and there will be some totally unrelated pics of me and the dog included – just to stop it being a heap of writing. Plus, she wanted to get in on the act and got her current book as a prop.
1 : I have never owned a goat – saw this on someone else’s facts and thought, crumbs, I haven’t ever owned one either, I’d better mention it
2:My first car was a C1982 Mini that had the number plate tied on with string
3: I have bungee jumped off a high thing in New Zealand
4: I’d love to see the Northern Lights and have an urge to stay in one of those igloos with a glass roof
5: I love wearing hats and will never turn down the chance to wear a fake mooostache – basically I like being in disguise
6: I wish I knew all the words and moves to Ganglam Style ( don’t tell anyone though as that’s so not a cool thing to want to do)
7: I’m a good listener, but if I get excited about the subject, expect frequent interruption
8: I am a hairdresser and I love my job
9: I am nosy (see 7 and 8)
10: I can stand on my head, indefinitely
1 1: If I wasn’t married to Gav, I’d be married to Gary Barlow. Made up Fact
12: I can tap dance. And Ice skate
13:I feel sorry for tramps and give them money if I can
14: I can burp to order. But hardly ever do as it’s gross (although as a Mum of boys, it is sometimes cool)
15: I hate films that make me uncomfortable and for that reason, I can’t watch anything with Jim Carey in it
16: If I wasn’t me, I’d be Elizabeth Montgomery as Samantha in Bewitched. Except she is dead
17: If I travel to London, I am always relieved to arrive home, unscathed
18: I nearly pinched Eric Clapton’s bottom, in the queue in Marks and Sparks food hall. But it was Christmas Eve and I didn’t have time to be arrested. Regretted it ever since. On balance it would have been worth the risk
19: I know all the words to all the songs in My Fair Lady and if it wasn’t for Fact 11, I’d be married to Rex Harrison. Except he’s dead too. OMG. So is John Le-Mesurier. Someone call Bernard Cribbins, See if he’s available/alive
20: I’m fussy about glasses. (not reading ones) Gin should be served in the appropriate glass – or a vintage teacup
21: I like it when you get an After Eight mint with your coffee at a restaurant
22: My glass is ALWAYS half full
23: I hate rules
24: I never ever take my shoes off at a party, even if my feet are killing me. Much to the amusement and fascination of my friends
25: I am the apostrophe police
26: I love people and believe that most people are nice
27: If Molly could talk, she’d sound like Margot Leadbetter
I’ll stop now! There are my 20 facts. …Or so…
which reminds me –
28: I can talk the hind leg off a donkey and sometimes have whole conversations, just with myself haha!
Thanks for ploughing.. I mean reading through !!

Hi Sally, great new website and blog! I was just wondering….a while ago you posted on your stories a picture and you were wearing some fab heels!!! They were black, cut out at the sides with a lace up (I think?!). Could you possibly let me know where they were from please?
Many thanks
Janine. Xx
Hi Janine – They are from Boden xxx And thanks ! xxx
You are totally bonkers but wonderfully funny! Xx
Ahh Hey The Strawb! Bonkers is the new normal …apparently xx
Hi Sally! Brilliant I love reading your ramblings…Is it ok to call it that or is musings a better word? Who knows I just scraped through O level English. As I am an apostrophe criminal you will know this! Also I have a confession to make I always have to take my shoes off within half an hour of arriving at a party and did so just last night. In fact the conversation between myself and my sister in law in the cab was all about bunions and arthritic toes. If you’ve read my 20 facts you will understand why I hate toes! The poor cab driver. At least this time I wasn’t using his radio for Kareoke! Xx
Oh crumbs, I’m not sure we can be friends!! haha only joking!! off to read your 20 Things – v intrigued!! xxx
Hi Sally,
Nice to read through this and get to know more about you. I’ve followed you on IG for about 6 months now and love listening to your Insta stories on the day to day things, plus see how nicely you set the table (literally and figuratively speaking) in your life. I am younger than you, sorry to point it out, but I am haha, with children 6 and under and so it’s nice to take insight from someone who has been there, done that.
I particularly love to see how you, more or less, always have a roast on a Sunday – made me think about the importance of that family meal each week (my husband works long hours so mid week family meals are no doable).
I look forward to looking through the new website.
Ahhh hey there Susannah – 6 under 6 !! wow! You are literally superwoman!! You are right – I do love the ceremony of a Sunday Lunch! xxx
made_with_love_by_me thinks this is absolutely fabulous! Like I’d expect anything less from you Sally. Looking forward to more GSDIH fun… xxx
Thanks Nikki! So far I am rubbish at finding comments! sorry it took me ages to reply! #newbie! xx
This is just so you and so delightful. Comparing and contrasting my 20 things and although of different and more mature (ahem) vintage, I can nod vigorously at most. Love the new website
Ahhh thankyou lovely Bren xx
Haha – Brilliant! I also know the words to every song in My Fair Lady – one day we’ll get together and show the world this skill together over a glass of wine…or 6! xxx
What a party trick! people would pay!
You are very funny and I look fwd to pressing the round thing at the top of instagram with your face on it the most!
You made me blush! And you made my day! (sorry it took ages to reply – only just worked it out omg If I had a brain I’d be dangerous) xxx